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三元名家论坛:Efficient sixthorder finite difference method for the nonlinear wave equation with variable coefficients
作者:     日期:2024-04-17     来源:     阅读:

讲座主题:Efficient sixthorder finite difference method for the nonlinear wave equation with variable coefficients







In this study, firstly, a sixth-order finite difference operator and correction technique of truncation error remainder are employed to construct a nonlinear high-order finite difference scheme and a linearized high-order finite difference scheme for solving the numerical solution of two-dimensional nonlinear wave equations with variable coefficients. Both new schemes have sixth-order accuracy in space and fourth-order accuracy in time. Then, the Richardson extrapolation technique is applied to obtain a numerical solution of sixth-order accuracy in both time and space. Meanwhile, the stability of the corresponding difference scheme for the linear wave equation is proved by Fourier analysis. In addition, two proposed sixth-order schemes are extended to solve the three-dimensional nonlinear wave equation. Finally, some numerical experiments are presented to confirm the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed method.

